I apologize for my long absence.
Several posts are partially done, but I have
lost the charger for my new camera and have been
stymied by this, not wanting to buy a new one, but
not being able to find the original.
And the blog needs pictures so I can truly record
my Paleo diet ordeal.
But this little blog is for the people who have expressed
an interest in doing a cleanse with me.
I frequently run four or five day raw and live food
cleanses combined with colon hydrotherapy and
am running one next this June 15th - 18th.
The cleanse takes a couple of weeks to prepare for because
everything is sprouted, grown or fermented ahead.
Here is the protocol, derived from the Hippocrates
Health Institute with colon-hydrotherapy added.
Food for Each Day:
1 quart of rejuvelac This is a drink made from soft wheat berries that have been
sprouted for a few days, then water added to the jar and
fermented for a few more days. It is very high in enzymes,
protein, and natural pro-biotics. It tastes tangy and fermented.
1 quart of “Energy Soup”
This is lovingly called “the green glop” by most of my clients.
It is the mainstay of the diet and consists of 1/2 an avocado,
an apple, lentil sprouts, mung sprouts, buckwheat and sunflower
sprouts, pea sprouts, a little dulse and greens like kale, spinach, etc.
This is all blended.
1 pint of either fresh carrot, apple, beet, celery juice and/or, depending on weather,
a pint of root broth.
one serving fresh wheatgrass
1/2 cup unsalted pink sauerkraut, laced with juniper berries. This is a liver cleaner.
* * * * *
These foods are prepared fresh each day and can be eaten in any order throughout the day, but I recommend leaving something for just before bed to give yourself a feeling of fullness (relatively speaking) - preferably a cup of the green soup.
* * * * *
Each day participants also receives a colon-hydrotherapy session which helps release toxins quickly and efficiently. The food part of the cleanse and the colon-hydro therapy enhance the effectiveness of each other.
If anyone has questions about it, please feel free to call me at 207 701 1817.
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