Kirlian Photography
When I was in high school (early sixties) LIFE Magazine did an amazing story
about Kirlian photography, named after Semyon and Valentina Kirlians,
a Russian couple who developed a technology for photographing
the electromagnetic field of living objects.
The cover of that big LIFE magazine was an image
that has remained vivid for me all my life.
It was a full cover picture of a maple leaf which had had one of the
fingers of the leaf dissected and then photographed with the Kirlian technology.
The leaf itself photographed almost like a ghost background, because the real
photograph was of the electromagnetic field of the leaf which extended beyond
the actual earthy physical matter of the leaf. It was a brilliant light aureole
the shape of the leaf but larger, radiating out beyond the leaf.
The electromagnetic pattern where the finger of the leaf had
been dissected was totally intact.
The electronic blueprint of the leaf remained. I think this was the
first time I began to realize that there are other dimensions to
these bodies we wear besides the densest level.
Many years later I became taken with the idea that since we are Beings of Light
- I do not state this as an airy fairy idea, but as a physically proven reality -
and that light itself, as demonstrated in these photographs,
must be a nutrient for us - not only sunlight but also
the light in the electromagnetic field of live foods.
In order to explore that idea, I obtained a Kirlian photography machine
to do some research about the difference in the electromagnetic
fields of foods grown differently, harvested differently, prepared differently, etc.
It is one of the real regrets of my life that I didn't carry that experiment out
very far.* A few things were evident, however, one of them being that the
electromagnetic field is far greater in sprouted seed than in unsprouted seed,
and raw food has a much larger electromagnetic field than cooked food.
Sprouts, however, far outshine mere raw foods in their electromagnetic magnificence.
(Incidentally, not relevant to the subject at hand but so excitingly evident
in the few photographs I took that I have to share this, WILD foods have a
MUCH greater electromagnetic field than any cultivated food,
no matter how fantastic and healthy the cultivated soil is.)
Now it may appear as if I am about to go even more off track,
but all this will come together
if you will resolutely follow me to the end.
Enzymes and the Electromagnetic Field
By this time almost everyone who is interested in true
health understands something of the importance of Enzymes.
I read several years ago in a book about enzymes
(that is still unpacked from moving, otherwise I could tell you its name)
the idea that we are born with a certain lifetime capacity
for the production of enzymes, just as ancient Yogis believed that
we are born with a pre-determined number of breaths.
Enzymes are used in thousands of chemical reactions in the
body and not just for digestive uses. HOWEVER, since the
advent of factory food and the dominance of agribiz farming methods,
the majority of our food no longer has the necessary enzymes in it
for proper digestion due to over processing, over sterilization, overcooking, etc..
This means that our bodies' entire enzyme production is severely
over-taxed just for the digestion of food.
At least some of our foods should partially digest themselves.
That means having enough inherent enzymes to do the job.
Fermented and raw foods have always been part of
traditional and indigenous diets for that very reason.
Most westerners no longer eat enzyme rich foods.
So what are we to do? Keep stuffing ourselves with expensive
and really unnatural digestive enzyme tablets from a bottle?
I do recommend this to many of my clients to
re-establish better digestive strength, but I see it as a temporary
measure and would rather see people eating their enzymes
Sprouts are bursting with newly released enzymes that are not present in the
ungerminated seed and are therefore one of the most efficacious ways to re -establish
good digestive enzyme activity. There is an enormous amount of information
about the actual chemistry that happens in the sprouting process on the internet,
which I was thinking of burdening you with, but you can look it up yourself
if you want to understand it more.
Now full circle. A few years ago, a good friend gave me a book about food
written by a Chinese PhD. and acupuncturist, (as well as other attainments)
named Dr Kim Le who stated in her book, The Simple Path, that
This means that food with a strong electromagnetic field has tons of enzymes.
It also means that food with lots of enzymes has a strong electromagnetic field
which shows up on film as a light field.
So I don't have to worry about some unproven, unprovable theory
about needing to feed ourselves light-filled food. I just need to eat live
foods that are filled with enzymes. SPROUTS!
Maybe you were wiling to learn sprouting before all of that.
*At the time that I acquired my machine, one had to be interviewed to get permission to buy one by a brilliant (and I mean this in the spiritual sense. He's radiant) man named Mitchell May whose medical story was nothing short of miraculous and who has produced some of the most gorgeous and amazing Kirlian photos I've ever seen. Look him up on the internet.
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